Important notice:YCAT is so proud that two of our family of schools have been named amongst the Harrogate Advertiser's 21 best-performing primary schools in North Yorkshire. Congratulations to everyone involved Link to article

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School Improvement



 Our family of schools receive a wide range of support and advice including: 

  • Expert leaders from within our family of schools who provide senior leadership support, subject leader support and support for the moderation of writing. 
  • A wide range of collaborative learning activities and guided projects. 
  • Personalised CPD for our Trust’s schools. 
  • Specialist CPD available from the HART Alliance (see latest HART Programme). 

Collaborative and continuous school improvement is the key to achieving the YCAT vision.  Within YCAT we have a wealth of experienced professionals including national leaders in education, specialist leaders in education and OFSTED inspection experience.  We specialise in primary school improvement.

We have a strong track record of sustained school improvement, both within the YCAT schools and in supporting other primary schools.  We also draw on the team of specialists from within the HART Alliance.

We use a “Questioning Approach Model” to our training and support and this is a key driver in developing a self-improving school.

Research into new techniques and approaches is evidence based and fundamental to a continuous improvement model.  We engage actively in research programmes both within YCAT and within the wider HART Alliance, linking with external specialists where appropriate.  Results are used to inform school development and training.

The HART Alliance enables us to sustain high quality CPD and School to School Support. Our partnership with the Red Kite Teaching Hub and SCITT enables us to strengthen our CPD offer and train high quality entrants to the profession for all of our schools.