Important notice:YCAT is so proud that two of our family of schools have been named amongst the Harrogate Advertiser's 21 best-performing primary schools in North Yorkshire. Congratulations to everyone involved Link to article

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Training and support

YCAT is committed to being an employer of choice. As part of this commitment, we provide regular, in-house training at all levels including:

  • Teaching assistants
  • Early career teachers
  • Teaching staff
  • Subject leaders/coordinators
  • Leadership staff
  • Administration and business management staff
  • Trustees and governors

Termly cross school training ensures our staff are kept up to date with current developments and best practice.

We recognise the importance of the role of trustees and governors but understand the logistical issues they face in attending training sessions.  The experience of lockdown during the Covid-19 pandemic has made us realise the potential of online training for rural schools that will save Governors and Trustees time from travelling and during 2021/22 all our updated training will be recorded so that Governors will be able to access it at a time of their choice. 

As our schools have had a key role in the development of  the HART Alliance, we have access to a wide range of expertise and training programmes throughout the year. YCAT staff are involved in the development of many of these programmes, following research into new techniques and approaches.

Programmes for 2024-5

Review your school’s reading considering the Ofsted English Review

Course content: This session will support schools in ensuring the reading curriculum provides progression in high-quality texts and responds to the latest research in best practice.

Governors’ Update

Course content: This session will update governors on the key priorities for continued school improvement and the latest advice and recommendations from Ofsted.

Review your school’s writing considering the Ofsted English Review

Course content: This session will support schools to review their writing curriculum to ensure a school’s progression model is building writing effectively in small steps ensuring greater fluency.

Improving your impact as a subject leader

Course Content: Updates on the most effective strategies for subject leadership particularly with Ofsted’s greater focus on impact.

The implications of the OFSTED English Review on the role of TAs

Course content: This session will provide advice and practical examples of effective classroom strategies that TAs can deploy when supporting children’s learning in the English curriculum.

How to review your Early Years curriculum

Course content: This includes how to evaluate the strengths and areas for further improvement of your school’s current EYFS curriculum. Ensuring a whole school culture of further school improvement.

Supporting headteacher wellbeing

Course content: This supportive online community will identify strategies to improve health and wellbeing and share best practice.

Developing and supporting pupils’ learning behaviour and independence

Course content: Exploring strategies that support the development of a strong learning culture across the school. Supporting your school’s Personal Development curriculum.

SEND update for leaders and teachers who are not SENCOS

Course content: Considering SEND legislation, procedures, guidance, and effective practice 

Aspiring leaders

Course content: Designed for AHT, DHT, senior leaders and headteachers preparing for new leadership roles. The programme will explore key elements of different roles, enable you to identify your strengths and help plan your next steps. 

Pedagogy and assessment for TAs

Course content: The key principles of teaching pedagogy and assessment in foundation subjects for teaching assistants. 

Review your school’s oracy considering the Ofsted English Review

Course content: This session will support schools to implement a more systematic approach to oracy across the school.